• Siapa Bersungguh-sungguh, dia akan berhasil. Insyallah
  • La Tahzan
  • Even Moon and Stars Won't Let Their Night Ended With Sleep
  • Revolution

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Just Sketch

Assalamualaikum Warohmatullahi wabarakatuh

Good Morning every bloggers :D
Today I'd Like to share some of sketchs. Please enjoy and your comment will be meaningful for me. 

My eternaly best friends. I wish all of us could be together in wonderful momment
Miss them always :-)

I was made this sketch for my friend

 My friend and I

Just my imagination to be a Detective

 Unfinished drawing

 Just my imagination *Devira and I become Holmes and Watson*

Me *Holmes*

 My friend *Watson*

 I converted our (my friend and I) picture into a sketch

This sketch I made when I was in first smester.

Thanks for looking & reading.

Barokallah always

Wassalamualaikum Warohmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Just The Way You Are

Assalamualaikum Warrohmatullahi wabarakatuh
Good night my blog and bloggers.

Tonight I want to share my opinion about the meaning of handsome or beautifull. Most of Asian people said that white skin is a beauty, an European said that tan skin is a beauty, so what about you? Do you think so?
Most of people see another person from her/his cover first, so do I. Sometimes that’s not a fair point of view. So I will straightening my point of view and yours. First. . . I will give you some case.
1. People think that you have anger face, but the truth you are a friendly person and they will said that you are friendly person after they know you.
2. Your lecturer said some cruel words like, “ I thought you know the answer,” just because you were a student from a best school.
3. Someone said that you have a beautiful/handsome face than other. I think you should beware from this kind of person, cause he/she totally take a point of view physically and of course he/she will mock behind you.

    From all that statement, finally I took one big conclusion from it. It’s very easy, but hard to do. First, I will give you another point of view that will make it straightening *insyallah. When everybody said anything ‘bla,bla,bla’ about you, that means you are the most lucky person to have their attention, they care about you, they talk about you, how popular you are! That’s good to not take care about bad words, but sometimes you might not just let their words gone away like a wind. You need to think “what’s wrong with me?” and it’s better to ask to your family or close friend, they will help you. Maybe you need to be more cheerful or up grading your knowledge or “more make up?”. Nah! I'd like to talk about “more make up?”.

   Make up is important for women even for men. But it depends from its uses, what for?, why?, and when?

   For an adult (men or woman) need to use make up, maybe they will feel more confident than before, but what for?? to working? To attracting? Or what? It will be fine if you use it in good way but don’t you feel that make up is not good for our skin? And for attracting? I think a man or woman will like you when you “Just The Way You Are”, cause love is when you being loved the way you are. Or maybe you wanted to be easy to see? I think inner beauty is the most easy to see. A good heart, attitude, or even good brain will reflection to us physically, I believe that.
So you don’t need to take too much people words, but make it become your stuff to improve yourself and Just The Way You Are 

Wassalamualaikum warohmatullahi wabarakatuh

Just For Share
Barokallah Always

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Ruang dan Waktu

Ruang dan waktu,
Terbatas.. Tidak nampak..
Terbatas bagai sangkar,
Elok bagai jam pasir.

Ruang dan waktu,
Begitu nyata dan indah.
Ruang dan waktu,
Batas tanpa akhir yang menjaga.

Terbatas ruang dan waktu,
Jaga selalu diriku,
Jaga selalu imanku,
Jaga selalu hatiku.

Friday, August 8, 2014

Boost Your Qiyamul Lail

Assalamualaikum warrohmatullahi wabarakatuh :D

   Selamat sore semuanya, nice to meet you again.

   Sudah lama rasanya tidak menengok blog ini. Oke. Kali ini saya akan share tentang Qiyamul Lail, tau nggak apa artinya ?
    Qiyamul Lail ialah amalan ibadah yang dilakukan pada malam hari, sholat, mengaji, dan bahkan berdzikir. Alangkah baiknya if we Boost Our Qiyamul Lail. Selain karena pagi hingga siang merupakan hari-hari tersibuk, malam merupakan saat-saat yang paling bisa untuk tenang dan khusyu. Allah berfirman (Surah Al-Isra' : 79)

وَمِنَ اللَّيْلِ فَتَهَجَّدْ بِهِ نَافِلَةً لَّكَ عَسَىٰ أَن يَبْعَثَكَ رَبُّكَ مَقَامًا مَّحْمُودًا

"Dan pada sebagian malam, bertahajjudlah sebagai tambahan ibadah wajib bagimu, mudah-mudahan Tuhanmu mengangkatmu pada kedudukan yang terpuji"
   Bahkan Rasulullah Sallalohu 'Alaihi Wasalam bersabda, "Saat yang paling dekat bagi Allah dengan hamba-Nya adalah pada penghujung akhir malam, maka jika engkau bisa menjadi orang yang berdzikir mengingat Allah pada saat itu, maka lakukanlah."

   Selain itu Qiyamul Lail banyak banget manfaatnya :
   1.   Manfaat bagi kesehatan, terutama jantung.
   2.   Memancarkan nur dalam diri, biar makin ganteng dan cantik-cantik. So Boost Your Qiyamul Lail, terutama ibadah pada 1/3 malam, 2/3 malam atau pada penghujung akhir malam. Qiyamul Lail juga bukan hanya tahajud lho, ada sholat sunnah hajat, sholat taubat dan bahkan sholat witir.
   3.   Selain itu Qiyamul Lail juga bisa meningkatkan intelektual kita, coba deh sering-sering Qiyamul Lail, tapi kalau gak belajar ya sama saja. Hal yang pasti daya ingat kita jadi semakin tajam.
   4.   Doa pada waktu-waktu malam insyallah dikabulkan Allah dengan cepat, sesuai dengan sabda rasullullah diatas bahwa Allah dekat dengan hamba-bambanya pada penghujung akhir malam.

   Selain itu buat Allah ibadah waktu malam itu sungguh spesial "Sesungguhnya bangun di waktu malam adalah lebih tepat untuk khusyu, dan bacaan diwaktu itu lebih berkesan" (Al-Muzzammil : 6).
   Nah teman-teman, mau kan jadi yang spesial bagi Allah? Mau masuk surga? Disayang Allah? Mau mau mau. Oke Let's Boost Our Qiyamu Lail

Just for Share and Thanks For Reading :D

Wassalamualaikum warrohmatullahi wabarakatuh

 Barokallah Always