Lempok durian and amplang are special traditional food from
Borneo (Kalimantan). Lempok durian made from durian fruit, it composed of 90%
durian fruit and 10% of sugar. Every visitor usually like to buy this food as a
gift, cause lempok durian is very delicious. For durian fruit maniac, they
should try this delicious heavenly food.
Gambar 1. Lempok Durian Khas Kalimantan
Gambar 2. Ampelang Khas Samarinda
The second special tradional food is amplang. What is
amplang? I know every readers asking it, so the answer is….
is a traditional snack from Borneo, ampelang has many kind of type… I know
several of them, they are Kuku Macan and original amplang. For me original amplang is the most
delicious than Kuku Macan, cause it is pure and made from ±80% of tenggiri
fish and 20% of flour and spice. Kuku Macan made from ±30% of spice and others
from tenggiri fish. But from all that composition I choose original amplang, it
just because I like fish very much especially kerapu fish. But if you don't like fish much, I suggest you to choose Kuku Macan.
Oke that’s
all my repost today, enjoy your day and barokallah always. :D
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